Wednesday, November 30, 2016

United in Marriage, United in Water

Couple of months ago, I had went to Nareshwar, the place known for Saint Rang Avadhoot near the banks of River Narmada.

All people go, nothing extraordinary!

Before going to the ashram, we thought to have a good look at the river. Just about time as we reached the river, the boatman was getting ready to leave with the tourists to the other side of the riverbank. My parents immediately jumped on the boat to my surprise and called me in. 

Nothing unusual!

As we went to the other side and waited for more passengers to come back to our shore again, I noticed a picture of a newly wedded couple floating in the river. I thought it was funny that people even resorted to flinging their picture with their spouse like this. Maybe a marriage that ended in divorce or an extra picture that came out of a bag unnoticed. I showed it to my mother. She immediately asked me to pray for them.

As I got the wind of the situation, I kept quiet! Later on the way, she told me that most probably, it was a picture of a couple who had died together suddenly after marriage due to some reason and it was a custom for their family to bid them goodbye like this.

This was unusual for me!

How Karma brings people together all of a sudden and then let them go in one instant. 


Friday, November 18, 2016

Life in 2030

What will our life look like in the year 2030?

Though it seems, going by our standards of living and our negligence and utter ignorance of environment, I don't think that we will be able to last until that time. But nevertheless by some miracle, if we last and technology takes the lead, how will be our life?

How about your WiFi controlling every electronic item in the house?
How about your furniture shifting its shape according to your needs and desires?

How about drones delivering you food? Oh wait! that's already happening now.

How about using recycled water? I mean your waste goes for recycling and comes back to you for washing and drinking. Yuck! Wouldn't need that facility!

These guys have thought and pictured some really cool visualizations about how life will be in the year 2030. Check it out.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

No Choice Left

The last week has seen a lot of action in the country. Nobody expected the Indian P.M to suddenly throw a big surprise and a shock on the national T.V that Rs. 500 and 1,000 notes will not be in power anymore and new notes will come in existence.

The common man who does not understand the nitty grittys of the economy was more concerned about getting the possible required liquidity for their home expenses. Most of them accepted the fact that there must be something better in doing this. Of course people were/are little disturbed standing in long lines. 

In spite of the P.M's assurance that petrol pumps and hospitals would cooperate with the banned notes, some of them are not doing the same, specially the hospitals. How Inhuman! At the same time, there are examples of hospitals giving the treatment for free to people who do not have the required cash. 

All these to stop the black money in the market. The same black money that is used by money hoarders to satisfy their selfish ends without caring for the common people, the same money that is used by some political parties to win elections by dubious means, the same black money that is used by some people from across the border to fund the terrorists and lot more.

The hoarders immediately started throwing the money in fear of the raid. Crores thrown in the river Ganga, bags and bags of currency money thrown in the garbage dumps, and more!

Media immediately started doing its job. Projecting the news as it is and creating news as they thought. ( A newspaper reported that an elderly man passed away standing long hours in the line on the front pages, but later withdrew the statement and apologized with a small note in one of their interior pages that one can hardly catch a glance on.) 

And politicians? We all know what happened. Some U.P bigwig ministers immediately opposed the move. The famous muffler C.M as always put the blame on the P.M. I wonder if he even eats without remembering the P.M. The Congress Prince thought he could mingle with the public by standing in the line and withdrawing Rs.4000. Really! He has the need to withdraw this small amount of money? Not to mention that it was reported he didn't even knew how to use the ATM and had to ask the security guard to guide him! The guard even knows his Pin Number now!

Let's see how the effect goes in the coming time period. for now, the common man supports the P.M.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Have you ever...?

We all go to a nice place for a retreat or chill out, probably near a beach or a small forest nearby sometimes in our life. 
We all think of having a perfect holiday.. like, getting up late.. watching TV until mid morning... then going out for a breakfast and then on shopping and then the other activities... ending up at a disco or dinner or a movie... 

But how many of us prefer to visit a beach or the jungle early in the morning to see nature at its best? Very few.

I had the rare opportunity to be at a beach one morning in Goa before the sun rose. What did I sese? Nothing spectacular except that I could hear the pure silence at the beach, the water making a splashing sound that I could hear clearly unlike the previous day when the beach was busy with people and activities. 

                                                         This pic is not mine... 

The splashing sound of the water early in the morning is worth to hear. Silent, fun, contemplative... That sound is the purest from the regular 'sounds' that we hear in our lives. The bird world had also not awaken so you can imagine. The bonus? The sun arising slowly.

Worth a try sometimes. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Great Initiative by the UP Government

We have always associated the state of Uttar Pradesh to be that one of riots, goons and a political ground for aspiring politicians and have formed a conclusion that nothing good can happen there.

Well, from some months now, the situation is slowly changing.

The Better India forum that displays positive aspects of the nation recently pointed out that the U.P Government has come out with a great initiative against a social evil. The Child Marriage! And, also atrocities against women.

This new program 'Power Angels' has aimed to to rope in young girls to check crimes against women. And, they have already succeeded in preventing 1100+ child marriages in the state. More than 80,000 young girls have joined this program in just 6 months.

Read more about it in detail here. 


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Purchasing a Laptop? Follow these Logics

I recently came upon an article on what to look out for when you are about to purchase a laptop.

Just 4 months back, I purchased a laptop and by the grace of god, it is running wonderful. However, there are many people who I think will benefit from this article, I am sharing.

"Buying a laptop is trickier in today's market than it should be. Reason? There are hundreds of laptops in the market. And there are tens of issues that make it all very confusing for readers. The worst offenders in this whole saga are the laptop makers, who use jargons and confusing language to describe their products. At the same time, they hide the information that is crucial -- such as the screen panel or the actual capacity of battery.
This makes it difficult for consumers to choose the right laptop. We have a laptop buying guide ready for you today, but here we want to highlight some of the jargons, the nonsense that laptop makers say while talking about their products, and why you should ignore it.

Ignore features like True Color, HD display, HD BrightView

These are the terms that laptop makers use to describe the screen in their machines. But they mean nothing. You should always remember that old saying about a duck while buying a laptop. So "if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck" even though laptop makers may like to call it an eagle.
Instead, you should focus on the quality of a laptop screen and that is not determined by tags like BrightView attached to them. It is determined by the resolution and quality of panel. Always remember that a laptop with an IPS panel screen is always going to be better than the TN panel screens.

Ignore terms like Dolby Advanced Audio, DTS Studio Sound, Waves MaxxAudi

All mainstream laptops, more or less sound same, nowadays  because they all use the same $1 or $2 speakers bought from China.
Instead, ask the laptop seller for actual specifications of the speaker (output) and seek details of the sound card or sound chip in the computer. Better still, plug in a pen drive with your music in it and play your favourite songs. Then decide.
Read the rest of the article here.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Giving Back to the Nature

Nature has time an again warned us by its subtle means about how we humans are bent on destroying it for our selfish means. Of course, not all humans share the this thought process...

In the last 5 years, monsoon has been irregular and uneven in almost all the parts of the world. India has suffered greatly to this regards and rightly so. The newly founded love for industrialization has resulted in cutting off trees and creating pollution. Delhi is amongst the most polluted cities in the world after China. Imagine how much we are striving to make our own home unlivable.

However there is a silver lining in the dark cloud. People are gradually realizing about the need to protect, conserve and increase mother nature. They plant trees. Some people have even dedicated their entire lives in planting trees for the benefit of the people and have died in the process. People like me do this occasionally on birthdays and other events.

Some days back, I had an urge of planting seeds or plants on the occasion of my birthday. I could not arrange for the plants till the last minute. But as is the norm, we have a superwoman in every household known as Mother. She arranged for 3 plants in the last minute and my plan came to fruition. 

I along with my parents had the opportunity to give something back to nature. I planted 3 plants on my birthday before going to office. I understand that planting trees is alone not sufficient as one has to nurture them like kids. That will also come to fruition as the days pass. Additionally, mother nature smiled on me as rainfall has been happening since that day. A proof that she approved of my small contribution. 

I request whomsoever is reading this post of mine to do likewise and plant atleast 1 tree on their birthdays, anniversaries and similar occasions.

A small proof:



Saturday, July 2, 2016

Independence Day Again!!!

Everytime the first part of movie-The Independence Day airs on TV, I have to watch it! This classic movie has retained its charm even today for me and even for my brother and maybe countless other fans. 

When I.D was released way 20 years back, I guess I was in 6th or 7th standard. But as I noted above, the fun of seeing that movie remains! Why? I guess, because of the awesome acting by the natural actors.  Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman and others! 

Now last week, I again saw the newly released movie I.D Resurgence. Its II part or the sequel. I must say that again, I became a fan of the movie. Of course, when you are a fan of an actor such as Will Smith, you are disappointed to miss him in the movie. His son in the movie has done fairly a good job. Though he does not have much to say or do. I was also disappointed to see the old president sacrifice his life for the earth. I think it was just like the scene where Casse flies his aircraft into the mothership. 

It was pleasant to meet the queen of the aliens though and the way the story unfolds. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Alive Today, Not Tomorrow!

Life does not have any guarantee, does it? We all know that it can change any moment, any second, yet we go about in our daily chores as if we are immortal.

Humans have this tendency to ignore the signals that nature gives them when it comes to their health or the planet's health, thinking we will see when it comes.. but when it comes, it comes and there is no seeing, but only witnessing.

'Aakash' was a design professional when I joined my office 1.5 years ago. He was a serious chap in office, but quite a jolly fellow outside office as I come to know.He had recently purchased a flat on a loan. He left the office in November for other good opportunity. 

2 Days back, my present colleagues met him at lunch at a common place. No sign of any adversity or anything health wise. The next morning, we hear that he passed away due to a heart failure at night time. 

Of course, they took him to a hospital in an ambulance but they referred him to another multi specialty hospital as they did not have the 'Tools'. On the way, he chose to leave the world. Quite a shock for everyone of course! A good cricket player, as a colleague remembers him.

What was his age? Oh well, he was in his 30's.

Why are more people going away like this? There are many answers- Fast food, addictions, stress.... heredity... the list can go on.

The only thing one can do to prevent this sudden collapse is .... A health check up every 6 months or a year. But I guess that when its time, you gotta go. My granddad could not be saved as he passed away in the middle of the night in his sleep. Just 4 hours before, he had had a ECG Test and other cardio tests, which came out perfectly normal. He was just feeling uneasiness.

Such is life! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

No Beef! Holy Cow!

It seems India and Indians are now two different entities. Earlier, almost 97% of Indians were in favor of beef ban. Well, I guess that was many eons ago. Now the conditions seems to have changed a little bit.

Now, some Indians can't seem to decide whether to adopt beef or not. Some are still not in favor of it (Thank Heavens). While so called modern and elite people now are in favor of beef. 

There have been many arguments on pros and cons of eating beef. Of course, it is always a personal choice. But there is quite a difference when it comes to eating healthy and choosing an 'alternative' to eating.

Well, I came upon a blog post from a spiritual guru in India. The blog clearly opines my opinion about the beef. I am putting it down here. It makes a lot of logical sense as why cows are considered sacred and why the beef should not be taken. 

"Why did the ancient rishis support the preservation of cows? There is no other animal whose dung you can use as an antiseptic, or to pave the ground and have a clean space. No other animal’s dung is used, including human. Furthermore, a cow is supposed to be similar to a tree. A tree absorbs all the carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. A cow in its fifteen years of life, is supposed to absorb all the negativities of society, but it leaves the dung which is pure. 

This means it stores everything and keeps it in the body. That is why they say, “If you eat that meat, you eat all the contamination of the world.“ They also say it’s an injustice to an animal which is preserving the composition of the atmosphere. Just like when you cut a tree, you are actually cutting down your option for oxygen. 

The cow is the only species which can absorb all the negativity and release only the positive. The dung, the urine are good for Ayurvedic medicines. Its milk and butter are edible. We should respect cows because they are good to us. They are always meditative and non-aggressive. There is God in every portion of its body. This is because each deity has a particular character and constitution. So each part of the body has a character and a constitution which absorbs negativity into the body. 

Why did we lose all this tradition? When did we lose it? We lost it when we started looking outside. If you look inside, you have the answers. This is logical. Why did all the rishis have this? Even in our house, when you have a cow or a calf, it automatically protects the house, preventing any entities from coming inside. The people are healthy because the cows absorb all the negativities. They store them, then die and leave. 

 they remove a lot of things. This is what has been told by the saints. We must understand the truth behind all this, then there will be no confusion. No other animals are in that category, because they don’t have that capacity, including humans."

Just my thoughts and someone's thoughts too.... without his permission.. but I am sure that he wont mind me quoting him here.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Paytm Just Won My Parent's Heart!

In just a short time, Paytm the ecommerce website has gained popularity for its easy to purchase and discount oriented products.

I first caught the fancy of purchasing from Paytm in my office as my colleagues would purchase their goods during the lunch break. What fascinated me was how they offered cashback in a unique way.

Instead of just offering discount, they would deposit it in the wallet, which made it easy for anyone to purchase other goods. I guess the other ecommerce websites have also followed suit.

My dad recently asked me to purchase portable USB Speakers from the website. The goods came in a week. However, my dad was not satisfied with the product purchase. No, the product was as advertised and purchased, but he thought he made a mistake in viewing the product and purchasing.

Solution? He asked me to send back the speaker as it was less than a week. I immediately did the return back process. The speaker cost was immediately added to my wallet, BUT no one turned up to collect the speakers for 4 days or more.

Prodded by my mother, I finally took to writing a mail to their customer care about it in the afternoon while I came home for lunch. The same day, after dinner, my mother informed me that she had received a call from the website's staff.

Interestingly, they asked my mother to keep the speaker as a goodwill gesture from the website. Mother tried to reason with them for 10 mins about returning the speaker anyhow, but they only insisted on keeping the product with us. Firstly it was a goodwill gesture and secondly, as I think, it would have been a cost for them to send back the product again with all the logistics expenses, with the product cost being negligible.

My parents are now happy with the website's staff and how they handled the whole thing. Paytm just won my parent's heart.  A good marketing and client relationship exercise for sure!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Shaktiman Overstayed 1 month


Heard the name before? of course yes! No, I am not talking about our teleserial hero Shaktiman that we watched for a week in our childhood (I watched it for a week before shutting it off forever). 

I am talking about the horse shaktiman. The same horse who was injured due to an M.P's illogical and crazy action of hurting or beating him out of protest of something. 

How can you beat an animal for no fault of his or her? Shaktiman was a 14 year young horse dude who was employed in mounted police. If you have seen his pictures in the media, you can well imagine how strong he was.  See this pic below. 

But because he was a disciplined horse in the police unit, he kept his cool even when his leg was getting broken. Of course, media did some good thing by highlighting it and help poured in from all quarters including a prosthetic leg from abroad. 

But I had predicted it that he would not survive long enough as a horse is dependent on his body that nature has given it to him. Take it away and he is as good as dead. 

Being an average horse rider myself from one and half years, I have come to recognize some horses and their traits. 

Shaktiman was a fighter. He survived for 1 month or more before eventually giving it up. 


Sunday, April 17, 2016

From FAAT to FIT

It is now 4 months into the new year 2016 and I was sure that I will write my first post in January itself. But life chooses plans for you that can't be ignored. 

I am now shocked at myself that I am writing a post on the nation's wealthiest family's scion- Anant Ambani.

Yes, the same too FAAT young dude to now FIT dude. When I last saw him one or couple of years ago, I was not surprised. For starters, I thought he has the heredity in him passed from his illustrious grandfather to his father. He has maybe overdone it. 

But now when I saw his recent pictures last week on social media, I was surprised like everyone else. I instantly took to reading what his workout and regimen included. I was again not surprised. He has patiently and dedicatedly improved on himself following a strict diet, excercises, and yoga. 

Running or walking 21 km everyday or few days of a week is no small thing for a heavy guy followed by a strict zero sugar. Of course, he had all the amenities at his disposal but again, one needs dedication. 

Good going dude. 
