Friday, December 4, 2020

The Child Teaches A Man ( Or Elders)

The other day, my niece who just turned 10 years young last month, began teaching me how to operate a laptop followed by a tablet. 

She then proceeded to show me how to play with the background of the Zoom calling app. Kids these days know it all! 

It is a pleasure to (re)learn from them the intricacies of the digital boxes and mediums. They find it funny that we are not 'aware' of these simple things and we find it amusing to listen to them as they explain it to us. 

Childhood, where art thou gone?

That's why grown-ups often like to spend time with kids as they, for a moment or two go back to their younger days, without any worry of the next moment.

Living in the Moment- That's what is required of today in this unpredictable world! 
