Sunday, June 7, 2015

Learning to Balance on Horses

Ever tried horse riding?

Of course, majority of the Indian men have done it on their D-day, their marriage. But I am talking of daily or regular sessions. Some people do that actually, like me!

Right from my childhood, I had this desire or wish to do some horse riding and if possible have horses at my backyard. Being a Rajput, I think I naturally had this inclination. But somehow, I could not get a chance to do it, in spite of searching here and there. I had even tried some horse riding on my travel excursions, but improper training would do me in and anxiety would cripple in. 

Until one day it happened!

A local newspaper had a small article that described that local police administration had invited the citizens for 1 month free horse riding lessons. so in some anticipation and excitement, I approached them and filled up my forms. And soon the lessons started or my trial period started, to say honestly. 

Although, I loved horses and was very excited, I was somehow vary of approaching them and riding it perfectly. The staff is very polite and has always supported me, but somehow the anxiety would creep in and I would fail in proper riding at least for a fortnight. 

The first time, I learned the basics, it was in small circles and so it was never a problem, for the horses were experienced and mature enough with proper instructors. The real problem started when I was transferred to the outside area or ground.

You can guess how the police or defense horses are! Strongly built and just the nature like their masters. I have fallen down from horses more than 4 times, from different angles and styles. Once I pulled the reins so hard that the horse stood up on its hind legs, which made me lose my balance and fall down backwards, On top of that, the muscular fellow fell on me ( Yes, he fell on me!) but she took enough care not to hurt me, and stood up in 2 seconds. I learnt the lesson of my life. 

But as they say, that practice and regularity makes one experienced. I soon learnt the tricks of the trade. I am now an average horse rider and can ride along well. The secret to horse riding? Get to know your horses well, mingle with them, serve them whenever possible (Yes, serve them for they will get to know you even better and you will learn something more) and talk to them while riding as well. 

I learnt that horses are mature and understand their riders. They come to know if the rider is experienced or has just entered the school in just few seconds. Based on that, they will treat you. A horse will make full efforts to let the rider know to take him seriously or suffer the consequences. (Falling him down). A horse will never attack its rider after falling and will avoid to step up on him. Only if a horse is not trained, is hot tempered or drunk, will it hurt the rider. 

At least once in your lifetime, you should learn horse riding. It will instill in you, some confidence, some courage and yes, you will have immense fun. Do not be afraid of falling down. 
