Sunday, November 30, 2014

Art Thou Corporate Life!

Hello Guys,

It is almost the end of the year 2014. People are gearing up for the New Year and New Possibilities and beginnings. Yet, the market is also abuzz with speculations that HP may get little leaner with its workforce in the new year. 

This is Corporate life!  One minute, you are the king of your own domain or the center of attraction, while the next minute, you may come down the ladder. This is much like the game of Snakes and Ladders. 

From my personal experience, I can say that in today's age if you are dedicated and sincere in your work but not vocal enough of your achievements and accomplishments in the office, nobody notices you. You also have to develop the skill of 'buttering' your boss like others. That's how you can be ignored for your 'misadventures' in your office sometimes by your boss. Females are more adept in this. 

The present corporate life thinks that employees are robots or Humanoids. Such has the life been rolling nowadays that workers are made to toil for 12 hours a day or more. And even then, the job is not guaranteed to last. Office politics, buttering, etc also plays a role as I noted above, the higher management will make big plans to engage employees and keep up their moods, but in reality, they will only throw some bread crumbs. It will forever expect the lower management to think only on the company's side. 

But now the time has come and the corporate groups should seriously consider thinking on both the sides of the coin. Otherwise, loyal and dedicated employees will simply cease to co-exist.

Just my point of view.


Unknown said...

Good post. But may I know at whom you are pointing out in the total blog? Buttering especially?

Kuldip said...


I am not pointing out anyone. You are in corporate culture from some time now. You can guess or understand what I mean to say.