For a book nerd or a book lover, they are the universe for him or her. Personally for me, they are the solace or the peaceful corner to find from the noisy world out there once in a while.
In 2018, I had read about more than 100+ books but in 2019, I had a target of less than 50 as I wanted to wander about or focus elsewhere. I came close to my target and ended up reading 45 books.
Of all the 45 books I read, I would like to share them with you or the world some of them that I thought were notable or worthy of reading. The list of all the books that I read can be found on Goodreads. However, I am placing down here the books that I wish to share with you.
1. How to Make Money in Day Trading
Useful for anyone who is a newbie in share market and wants to know everything about day trading. Nicely explained by the author
2. All You Want to Know About Investing
Again, a nice introduction for anyone who has recently begun investing in the financial world. A revision for anyone who is an expert as well.
3. Introduction to Cloud Computing: From a beginner’s perspective
Cloud computing is here to stay in the IT world. This book is an excellent guidance with appropriate examples of cloud computing and what it actually is. I recommend this book for everyone-youngsters to generation x,y or z. Netflix does cloud computing through Amazon, did you know that? Competitor banking on other’s resources.
4. The Heartfulness Way: Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation
As the title suggests, it’s a spiritual book. The authors wonderfully lists out various meditation techniques that are easy to practice and are wonderful to experience in terms of karma, peacefulness, everyday struggles and relationships.
5. The Shooting Star: A Girl, Her Backpack and the World
Those in the travel industry and travel enthusiasts know who Shivya Nath is. A girl who quit her corporate life to travel all over the world and write down her own life, not dictated by someone else. She has written down her experiences on the road — sweet, bitter and truthful and how to navigate some difficult circumstances for girls like her.
6. Encyclopedia of Numerology
Are you interested in knowing the science and miracles of numbers and how it could or can change your life? Ever wished to know the back process of why people or sports persons or film starts add or delete an extra alphabet in their names? Read this book to find the answer. An easy and interesting book to find the answers to the Numerology field!
7. 21 Things Every Girl Should Know
So what if the title suggests that the book is about girls? It doesn’t say anything that a male can’t read it. Yes, we boys should read it to know how a lady feels and acts and other mysterious things that we have been wondering about. A book for husbands, boyfriends and yes brothers too, if not fathers! Highly recommended.
8. Phenomena: That which is the cause and also the effect
Everyone thinks that what we think, we do not get and vice versa. But they do not know the science and logic behind it, do they? Partha Gupta has beautifully explained all the mystic process behind it in a simple, effective and beautiful way with relevant meditations and techniques to follow for us.
I highly recommend this book for everyone who wishes to attract things from the universe, set a harmonic tune in every aspect of their life and yes, be calm in pressures.
9. Hot Tea across India
Rishad Saam Mehta — the author has written this travel memory masterpiece of a book beautifully! With wit and humor, every page of the book makes it a great read for travellers and for those who wish to improve their vocabulary, English and grammar.
The reader feels that he is travelling with the author himself through the book as he takes them on steady, sometimes rough and sometimes a though provoking travel incidences of his life.
An exemplary read for everyone.
Until next time!